Softcorner, a company committed to Green IT
Re-use of on premise licenses is a lever Green IT. Even if Softcorner's starting point is the waste caused by the huge volume of Shelfware in companies, buying or selling unused licenses is now a rational and smart act that fits more globally in the movement of reuse and digital sobriety.
Beyond the financial gain that second-hand licenses allow, their reuse is a way to extend the use cycle of software and therefore the life cycle of hardware, thus fighting against software obsolescence. But it is also a mark of sobriety for the seller who will keep in his software assets only what is really useful for the functioning of the organization.
Second hand license against software obsolescence
Software is always more resource-intensive, even professional office tools always require more power, forcing a sometimes hasty renewal of the hardware. Thus according to the site greenit.comThe Office 2019 suite requires 171 times more RAM than the 97 version, while key features remain the same*.
Staying on an older version will not only save money on the purchase of licenses, but it will also extend the life of the workstations, generating additional savings while making your IS more sober by avoiding the purchase of new equipment whose production generates a significant environmental impact.
Digital Sobriety and Green IT go hand in hand
Of course, buying or selling a software license on the secondary market won't make your information system a champion of digital sobriety overnight. But the alternative offered by second-hand perpetual licenses opens up an interesting field of reflection on digital sobriety.
The move to the cloud has led to an explosion in expenditure that is sometimes uncontrolled. This raises the question of whether a new investment is justified, and whether it is useful in view of its financial cost and the tools already available.
This also allows us to question the increase in energy expenditure, which is not very visible but very real, that is induced by the move to the cloud of a certain number of applications.
At a time when the ecological impact of digital technology is increasingly scrutinized and many organizations are questioning their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the secondary market for software licenses is a lever that can be directly activated in IT departments in order to optimize assets, expenses and the impact on the planet by limiting the use of the cloud when it is not useful or by extending the life of its hardware.
Softcorner is committed to

Free ICT Europe
As part of our CSR approach, Softcorner has taken an active part in the Free ICT Europe (FIE) foundation. FIE is a non-profit foundation that actively promotes the ICT aftermarket in Europe. Our goal is to guarantee the right of ownership and the freedom of consumers and companies to choose their sales, service and repair providers. The foundation represents the interests of all operators in this market, including third-party maintainers, out-of-warranty repairers, ICT refurbishers, ICT brokers, spare parts suppliers, independent integrators, software support organisations, used software resellers and rental and leasing companies.

Planet Tech'Care
Softcorner is a signatory of the Planet Tech'Care manifesto for a responsible digital future. Planet Tech'Care is the first initiative to bring together a network of partners (professional organisations, schools, competitive clusters, associations, foundations, think tanks), whose aim is to support companies wishing to integrate digital technology into their environmental pathway and to support training providers in developing skills in the field of responsible digital technology. By committing to a manifesto, signatories have free access to a support program consisting of several events (conferences and webinars in particular) designed by digital and environmental experts, partners in the initiative.