23/03/21 Webniaire with the CRAI - Used software: the word counts double!

CRAI Webinar - ELEE - Softcorner

Used software: the word counts double!

Webinar hosted by the CRAI (Club des Responsables Achats Informatiques), with Elée & Softcorner
Tuesday, March 23 - 5:00 to 6:30 pm


Buying and selling used software is an essential part of license optimization.

Our experts will present their feedback on this topic and answer your questions on the following subjects

  • The rules for second-hand licences in Europe
  • How the Softcorner platform works
  • Case study:
  • Compliance management with surplus license sales
  • Pitfalls and precautions when using used licenses
  • Recommendations for managing a portfolio of licences

Speakers :

  • Habibou M'Baye, Founder and CEO - Softcorner
  • Benoit Plaine, Director of Operations - Elée
  • Damien Juillard, COO SamBox.io - Elée

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